A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer in Creative Enabler Company
Belajar skill digital lebih dalam, LIVE bareng top instructors!
12 December 2024
19.00 - 21.00
100% Gratis
Kelas LIVE dan Interaktif
Topik & Materi Baru dan Selalu Up-to-Date
Fitra Rahmamuliani
Technical Lead at Rolling Glory
Profile Speaker
500+ Learners Taught
Rating: 4.96/5.00
10+ Years of Frontend Experience
RevoU Software Engineering Instructor
Ex Technical Lead at Suitmedia
Ex Front-end Developer at Rolling Glory
Skills: Frontend Development, PWAs, UI/UX, Git, TypeScript, Next.js, React.js
Kenapa Harus Belajar di RevoU Masterclass?
Di sesi ini, kamu akan mempelajari peran software engineer, rutinitas harian, kolaborasi tim, teknik pengkodean, debugging, serta menerapkan pengetahuan melalui studi kasus implementasi fitur baru.
Kelas ini cocok untukmu jika kamu ingin:
Mengeksplorasi peluang karier di bidang digital
Menambah wawasan tentang karier dan profesi di bidang digital
Mempelajari ilmu dan skill yang dibutuhkan untuk memulai karier di bidang digital
Kamu akan belajar tentang
A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer in Creative Enabler Company
Kamis, 12 December 2024 | 19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to Software Engineering Role
Understand the basic responsibilities and daily activities of a software engineer.
Daily Routine and Planning
Learn how software engineers start their day, plan their tasks, and set priorities.
Team Collaboration
Understand the importance of teamwork, meetings, and communication in software development.
Coding and Development
Explore the coding practices, tools, and techniques used during development, and staying updated with industry trends.
Debugging and Problem-Solving
Learn about common debugging practices and problem-solving approaches.
Case Study: Implementing a New Feature
Apply the knowledge gained by working through a real-world example.